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Eveniment proiect
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Formular Idei de Proiect sau Căutare Parteneri

Numele şi tipul organizaţiei:
United Europe Foundation, Organizaţie Non-Profit

Numele proiectului:
Encouraging future innovation: adapting education to labour market and entrepreneurship values

Axa prioritară
Întărirea coeziunii sociale şi economice în regiunea de graniţă.

Domeniul major de intervenţie
Cooperare în domeniul pieţei muncii şi educaţiei – dezvoltarea comună a competenţelor şi cunoştinţelor

Obiective :
- to identify the abilities and competencies that must be shaped in the elementary and high school level education in order to improve the future employees success on the labour market;
- to promote the advantages brought by the permanent informational exchanges between the educational networks in the four countries;
- to improve the entrepreneurship educational offer in the cross-border region;

Rezultatele proiectului:
- Schools involved in trainings;
- Survey applied to emloyers;
- Permanenet ediucational network created and online exchange portal;
- Teachers and pupils participant in training;
- Plan to adapt the educational curricula;
- Educational fairs.

Ce tip de parteneri căutaţi?
We are searching for partners organizations: schools, public administration, commerce chambers from Szabolcs – Szatmár – Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Békés and Csongrád and Satu Mare, Bihor, Arad and Timiș too.

Bugetul estimat:
300.000 euro

Durata preconizată:
24 luni

Date organizaţie

Roxana Damian
Telefon: +40741 06 644
E-mail: roxana.damian@urbanconnect.eu