
« 2025. Martie »
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Eveniment program
Eveniment proiect
Pentru a adăuga evenimentul dumneavoastră, vă rugăm să completaţi formularul de mai jos:

Formular Idei de Proiect sau Căutare Parteneri

Numele şi tipul organizaţiei:
Grupul Scolar Valeriu Baniste/ Valeriu Braniste Vocational School , Instituţie de Educaţie şi Învăţământ

Numele proiectului:
Student sklils development in tourism area

Lider de Proiect:
Grupul Scolar Valeriu Baniste/ Valeriu Braniste Vocational School

Axa prioritară
Întărirea coeziunii sociale şi economice în regiunea de graniţă.

Domeniul major de intervenţie
Cooperare în domeniul pieţei muncii şi educaţiei – dezvoltarea comună a competenţelor şi cunoştinţelor

Obiective :
1. Initiating a cross-border cooperation partnership in the field of tourism ( as a professional training field) between two schools
2. Analysing and identifying solutions for the common needs and interests regarding the training, improvement and development of human resources within the school organizations
3. Activities regarding the area’ s tourism,

Rezultatele proiectului:
1.implementing a project designed to held set up a simulated firm (virtual firm) in the field of tourism, hotel and restaurant services, according to which each school has the right to make its own decisions as to the firm’s actions, choosing nevertheless to cooperate with the partner firm

2.-implementing the EBCL project for the students from each partner school

3.-issuing products for touristic promotion: CD-s, leaflets or brochures in three languages English, Hungarian and Romanian

4.-improving the Wikitravel and Wikipedia web pages in Hungarian and Romanian ( mutual support to improve the partner’s page in mother tongue)
5.-seminars held by teachers from the partner school ( no longer than a week, translator from/ into English)

Parteneri identificaţi în această etapă:

Ce tip de parteneri căutaţi?
Vocational Schools

Bugetul estimat:
100 000 euro

Durata preconizată:
18 luni

Date organizaţie

Gheorghe Cosmin
Telefon: 0040256/352714
E-mail: valeriu_braniste@yahoo.com
Fax: 0040256/352714