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Eveniment program
Eveniment proiect
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Bază de date

"Adventure, recreation, entertainment" dissemination of tourism supply of Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor counties
Acronim: Ka-LandTur
Propuneri: HURO/0801
Prioritatea: Priority 2
Acţiunea: 2.1.3. Development of tourism – small scale investments in tourism attractions and tourism infrastructure
Număr de înregistrare: HURO/0801/155
Bugetul total al proiectului:
Fonduri FEDR / proiect:
Data începerii proiectului: 01 noiembrie 2009
Data finalizării proiectului: 30 aprilie 2011
Statutul proiectului: finalizat
The overall goal of the project is the development of tourism in Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor Counties and the improvement of economic competitiveness. The aim of the project is to gather, sort and present of the joint touristy supply from the border area. Target group is formed by youth and middle age tourists with different aims, fine arts funs, businessmen, families. The main activity is to create different joint touristy packages in the border area, to promote and introduce them to the market by different marketing communication means. Other activities: development of touristy packages, establishment of Tourist Information Offices in Hajdu-Bihar and Bihor counties and marketing campaigns. Among the project results: 7 package offers for tourist, 180.000 leaflets, 84.000 brochures, 1000 image books, 1 web portal.
Web: http://www.bihar-bihor.eu


Partener Lider de Proiect

Szociális és Gyermekvédelmi Főigazgatóság
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar, 4024 Debrecen, Piac u. 54.
E-mail: megyeionk@hbmo.hu

Partenerul de Proiect 1

MEGYEGAZDA Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Ingatlan- és Vagyonkezelő Nonprofit Kft.
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar, 4024 Debrecen, Piac u. 54.
E-mail: megyegazda@hbmo.hu

Partenerul de Proiect 2

Primăria Municipiului Oradea
Romania, Bihor, Piaţa Unirii, nr. 1, Oradea
E-mail: r.biro@oradea.ro

Partenerul de Proiect 3

Consiliul Judeţean Bihor
Romania, Bihor, Parcul Traian, nr. 5, Oradea
E-mail: szabo-odon@cjbihor.ro