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Newsletter - December 2009

This is the last, compiled issue of our electronic newsletter in 2009, which contains relevant programme related information and news. Find out more about the programme and upcoming events.

Programme state of the art - end of 2009

The Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat is introducing our last newsletter from 2009, summarising the past and future of the Programme.

What is the outcome of the first two calls for proposals?

We have finally arrived to the stage when we can say that we are “one step” from the start of actual cross-border developments/cross-border activities within the Programme.

Let’s take a closer look at the status of the projects emerging within the first two calls.

The 3rd Call for Proposals is still open!

The 3rd Call for Proposals was launched in the frame of the one-step procedure, for full applications on 8th October. The call is very similar to the first call (HURO/0801) both in terms of actions opened and the requirements towards potential applicants.

The deadline (22 January 2010) for submitting your application is approaching fast! Apply now!

How to implement projects?

Generally, this is the longest and most complex stage of the entire project cycle. Find out more about it and the documents which serve to guide you through this process, with special focus on the Project Implementation Handbook and the First Level Control bodies.

From a Project Idea to a Successful Project - Challenges to submit a good application

This article tries to give an overview of the most common features of cross-border programmes, as well as a summary of  practical tips and frequent mistakes which serves as a tool of helping applicants to better comply with the programme requirements.

Communicating your projects

Communication is more than an obligation, it is also an opportunity!

Efficient communication is of outmost importance for a successful project. In relation to earlier practice, the European Union is committed to provide explicit evidence of the advantages EU membership brings by presenting project results in the best possible way.

Happy Holidays!

The Joint Tehnical Secretariat is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See our office schedule for the Holidays.