We have finally arrived to the stage when we can say that we are “one step” from the start of actual cross-border developments/cross-border activities within the Programme.
Let’s take a closer look at the status of the projects emerging within the first two calls.
ERDF Subsidy Contracts are prepared and signed continuously since the end of October, others are in the pipeline. In order to sign the financing contracts beneficiaries had to fulfil certain administrative tasks. For the presentation of the ceremonial signature of the first contracts please click here.
The results of the application process show that the majority of applicants managed to cope with the Programme requirements. Out of the 196 projects submitted 61 projects were rejected due to failure to comply with formal or eligibility requirements. After the technical assessment of the projects which passed the different evaluation phases 90 full applications were offered financing for the implementation of their cross-border ideas. We believe that the fact that almost 50% of the submitted project ideas were selected for financing is a good start for the Programme.
Details about the contracting procedure, as well as project implementation can be found in the Project Implementation Handbook (PIH) as well as on the programme website, under the Downloads section.
What types of projects will be implemented?
As the above graph shows, in the first call for proposal the 2nd priority resulted in higher numbers of both submitted and successful projects, due partly because of the nature of the opened actions as well as the high interest manifested towards action 2.5.1 – Cooperation between Communities.
In the 2nd call for proposals 157 concept notes were received out of which 120 were offered the possibility to prepare full applications in the 2nd round. We must say however, that in the 1st phase the focus was rather on the project idea since there were only a few administrative/technical standards to be fulfilled. The preparation of full applications is still ahead of the successful applicants who now with the help of the JTS have to prepare and submit their applications by the pre-defined deadlines (in 3-6-9 months).
For the 2nd phase the exact procedures have been already published at the beginning of October in the form of a Call for Proposals package. The package is posted on the programme website and made available only for the selected applicants.
Some figures about the concept notes invited into the 2nd step:
In the case of the concept notes invited into the 2nd step the distribution of projects between the two priorities is quite balanced and so is the distribution of the requested funding (more than 210 million €).
Below you can see the distribution of concept notes invited in the second step by actions: