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The 3rd Call for Proposals is still open!

The 3rd Call for Proposals was launched in the frame of the one-step procedure, for full applications on 8th October. The call is very similar to the first call (HURO/0801) both in terms of actions opened and the requirements towards potential applicants.

The deadline (22 January 2010) for submitting your application is approaching fast! Apply now!

The range of supported activities is quite wide. Potential applicants can apply for financing for the preparation of studies and plans for the development of cross border transport, newscast, nature protection, business co-operation and development of tourism.

Furthermore, it is possible to finance common research projects and co-operation projects in research and development, in addition to enhance co-operation among institutions involved in the field of education, labour market, and healthcare as well as risk protection. Finally, action 2.5.1. Cooperation between communities which proved to be very popular in the previous call HURO/0801 has been launched, as well.

Most of the documents are quite similar to those from the first call. Nevertheless improvements were made based on the experiences in order to develop better projects by means of more applicant-friendly procedures.

The most important novelties compared to the first call are:

  • The application form and its annexes may be completed, by choice of the applicant, either in English or in a bilingual, Hungarian and Romanian version;
  • The Hungarian central state budgetary organizations do not have to provide own contribution and the intensity of the national co-financing shall be automatically increased to 15 %;
  • The Romanian Project Partners receive maximum 90% of the national co-financing in advance after the conclusion of the Subsidy Contract, the Hungarian Project Partners 100%;
  • The implementation of projects can be started at the risk of the applicant immediately after the submission of the application.

Similarly to the previous calls, the JTS (both the offices from Budapest and Békéscsaba) in collaboration with the Info Point from Oradea organised info-days in each border county, where participants had the opportunity to get better acquainted with the conditions and rules of the call for proposals, to learn about the completion of the application form and to receive tailored consultancy regarding the development of their project ideas.

Furthermore, those interested, were invited to the partner-search forum on 23 November 2009, where participants had the opportunity to present project ideas or outlines and to exchange experiences with others. It was not an obligation to have an already established project idea, since participants could join others or simply develop new ideas based on those heard during these interactive group discussions.

The JTS is also happy to take part in information events organised by some specific regional organisations or counties aiming to bring the message of the programme and the opportunities closer to applicants. If you are planning to organise such an event, just inform us ahead of time, so that we can appropriately prepare and contribute to its success by offering detailed information about the programme.

More information on the call for proposal is available here. Presentations from the events are available here.