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Useful information

“Close to the end” – TIPS to finalise your projects

The general framework (rules and obligations) related to project closing is described in the Subsidy Contract (Articles 4. and 14.), Project Implementation Handbook, as well as in the Partnership Agreement, however, when closing the project it is important to be aware of the following:

Project Implementation Handbook

The official English version of the recently updated version of the Project Implementation Hanbook and its annexes (ex. documents related to reporting (project and partner level, both for Hungarian and Romanian partners, visibility guideline, IMIS user manual), as well as the procedure to follow in case of project modifications, including the templates to use in case of technical modifications or modifications of the Subsidy Contract, in the already approved projects is available in the Downloads section of our website.

Visibility guidelines for projects

The visibility guide for projects, prepared by the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 is intended to offer support and guidance for beneficiaries, whose projects received financing under this programme in fulfilling the required information and publicity measures.

The ministerial decree modifying the rules of financial reimbursement for Romanian partners has been published

On March 29, 2010 the Romanian Official Journal published the Ministerial Decree issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism no. 1168/2010 (ORDIN Nr. 1.168 din 19 martie 2010, Publicat în: Monitorul Oficial Nr. 197 din 29 martie 2010), modifying the Decree no. 568/2009 regarding the rules of reimbursement of costs sustained by Romanian beneficiaries within the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-Operation Programme.

Law 105/2011 (Romania)

We kindly inform you that Law 105/2011 regarding the management and distribution of non-refundable external funds and of national co-financing, for the "European Territorial Cooperation” Objective, is in force as of 21 June 2011, replacing Government Ordinance No. 46/2007.


HURO/0802_AF Contracting documents

The document package necessary for the conclusion of the ERDF Subsidy Contract (i.e ERDF contract-template and it annexes, Partnership Agreement sample, declaration on the use of personal data, list of documents to be submitted for contracting) is available in the Downloads section of our website.