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Useful information

“Close to the end” – TIPS to finalise your projects

The general framework (rules and obligations) related to project closing is described in the Subsidy Contract (Articles 4. and 14.), Project Implementation Handbook, as well as in the Partnership Agreement, however, when closing the project it is important to be aware of the following:

  • The Programme rules on information and publicity must be respected for all products produced with the assistance from the Programme, even after the closure of the project.
  • The project results have to be maintained for a minimum period of 5 years after project closure. Any substantial modification of the project within five years from the end date of the project must be avoided. Not fulfilling these conditions can imply a recovery of the funds unduly paid (see Article 17/1 of the Subsidy Contract)
  • The Partnership Agreement must clearly state the ownership, further maintenance and use of the project outputs and results. Leasing, handing over, and selling/transferring the rights of use of the outputs of the projects is only possible with the prior consent of the MA.
  • The LP/PPs are obliged to retain for audit purposes all files, documents and data about the project until at least three years from the official closure of the Programme The list of the documents to be retained is listed in Annex V of the Subsidy Contract.

The evaluation of the final Project Progress Report (PPR) depends on the clarity of the data included in the respective sheets of the PPR. We would like to bring to your attention to the ‘Summary of project achievements to date’ of the final PPR where information should be described regarding:

  •  Achievements of project objectives;
  • Evaluation of project outputs and a clear description on the fulfilment of each indicator;
  • Durability and effect on project target groups;
  • Benefits of cross-border approach.

Besides these, the Contribution to EU horizontal policies and principles should also be compiled.
The main aim of the above mentioned sections is to describe the project results not just by numbers, indicators and data, but to provide more attractive and easy to understand view on the project outcomes. The information which is included in this section will be used for publications, Programme website and other communication means.

Recommendations for filling the final PPR:

  • do not repeat the same information in all fields, it would be rather advised to stick to the issue regarding each field;
  • use simple language;
  • avoid to use abbreviations, technical (project) jargon and references to other documents;
  • provide descriptive information regarding actual impact of the project on project target groups, added value and real benefits;
  • be short and consistent;
  • try to get through the different fields and questions but create one story.
    Before the submission of the final PPR we strongly recommend to update the respective information about the project outputs, results and benefits on each PPs website.