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Preparation of an Electronic Distance Learning Guidebook and the Ensuing Short-Cycle Pilot Training Packages based on Real Market Demands
Acronym: E-competence
Call: HURO/0801
Priority: Priority 2
Action: 2.3.2. Cooperation in the labour market
Registration No. HURO/0801/067
Total Project budget: 180 000,00 €
Total ERDF awarded: 153 000,00 €
Project start date: 01 January 2010
Project end date: 31 January 2011
Project status: Finalized
Structural unemployment is a problem on both sides of the border, which is partially caused by the lack of specialised e-learning training programs without geographical and language barriers. A good solution for smoothing this problem is to arm a common, co-operation-based knowledge portal with e-learning training packages which react to demands quickly. The present project conceives two objectives: on the one hand a common methodological and practical guidebook is prepared by involving the experts and tutors of the two universities, which guidebook will show to the interested parties with the help of the already running and successful Hu-market system how to make electronic distance learning materials in reaction to the demands of the labour market and the companies and how to organise successful trainings based on the above. The other objective is to actually prepare a bilingual pilot e-learning training package on the basis of this guidebook in reaction to real competence demands on the labour market. The foregoing is completed by dissemination activities. The general objective of the project is to decrease structural unemployment by way of offering electronic distance learning trainings adjusted to labour market demands to those who are interested. Target groups: unemployed, companies who can satisfy their workforce demand with the aid of the training packages and the e-learning trainings, universities. The main specific activities of the project are: organisation of professional workshops; organisation of dissemination conference; translation of e-learning materials; preparation of an e-learning methodological and practical guidebook; development of traditional learning materials; development of a bank card e-payment system; development of multimedia e-learning materials; development of traditional learning materials; development of multimedia e-learning materials; development of a back-office system adapted to Romanian labour market demands; public procurement. Main results: 8 e-learning training packages; 1 e-learning guidebook; Hu-market knowledge portal and a back-office system adjusted to the Romanian labour market; an electronic bank card payment; 2 workshops, 2 conferences, a brochure in 2.000 copies.


ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner

Debreceni Egyetem
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar, 4032. Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.

87 550,00 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1

Universitatea din Oradea
Romania, Bihor, Str. Universităţii nr.1., Oradea

65 450,00 €