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X-PARC – for a greener future

In the last decades, the EU has faced a fast-paced economic growth and societal changes, both playing a major role in shaping the natural world around us. Since the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area is part of the same geographical unit, it is influenced by similar problems, and thus, passing similar development stages.

Unfortunately, the states often lacks the means of overcoming the degradation of the natural capital; hence they rely on strong support from all stakeholders involved in the management of the existing resources. Here is where the partners of X-PARC came to join efforts and contribute to finding effective solutions.

The X-PARC project is about to develop a structure capable to offer support to stakeholders involved in nature preservation and sustainable management of natural resources, such as protected area administrators, NGO`s, public authorities, companies, and the inhabitants of the CrisulAlb/Fehér-Körös and the Mures/Maros river basins.

The project is divided in two-phases. As a first step, the infrastructure needed for the ‘Cross-Border Protected Areas Resource Centre’ (X-PARC) will be put in place. Then, various services, in the field of consultancy, support, promotion, dissemination and eco-education will be developed. The X-PARC facilities will be set up in 3 locations, having complementary responsibilities. Main coordination, technical expertise for nature preservation, as well as communication and development activities will be provided from Arad; In Gyula, several educational and promotional activities will be set up. The Békéscsaba X-PARC is set out to provide technical expertise for natural resource management, having further cooperation and development duties.

The technical plans for the building of X-PARC Arad are already prepared. Construction works will start very soon, and they are planned to be finalised by the end of 2014. Developments in Gyula are in a more advanced state, as the construction of the outdoor educational facilities (the School Garden) has already been started. By summer all the X-PARC Gyula facilities will be ready and consequently three Green-School camps will be organized here within the project. X-PARC Békéscsaba is already equipped and functional, offering free consultancy regarding environment and nature protection issues, organizing Youth – Eco Clubs and other activities.

“Through the X-PARC project we will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and to the proper management of the nature protected areas of the region. The X-PARC facilities will help improve the cross-border know–how exchange in the field of environmental protection” – said Mihai Sorin Pascu, the project manager.

Contributions: Mihai Sorin Pascu

Photo credits: © Project partners of X-PARC

Project info
Project number: HURO/1101/187/1.3.1
Title: Development of a Cross-Border Protected Areas Resource Centre, X-PARC
Partners: Association for the Promotion of Natural and Cultural Values of Banat and Crişana “Excelsior” from Arad (Lead Partner), Körös – Maros Foundation for Rural Development and Eco Farming, from Gyula and Zöld 14 Association from Békéscsaba (Partners)
Total ERDF awarded: 816 469,20 €