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Upcoming events - project events and more

A number of final conferences and events will be organised by the Programme and our projects in the upcoming months.

European Co-operation Day reloaded

Throughout Europe there is a growing need and interest in European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) for developing joint communication activities that promote ETC as a whole. The first joint campaign - European Co-operation Day was organised in 2012 that brought together 70 ETC programmes and resulted in 281 events across 36 countries in Europe.

We are now looking forward to organising a 2013 edition and even greater results this year. European Co-operation Day 2013 will take place on 21 September and surrounding days.

As beneficiaries or stakeholders of the HURO programme funding, we are now inviting you to join this initiative, as in many cases, projects are the human face of the programme and beneficiaries have the most frequent or recognised contact with the local population. We are currently searching for events and local level initiatives that are suitable for marketing purposes, and are most likely to attract public attention.

Why to get involved? What are the benefits…

  • Participation in the campaign will increase the visibility of your projects, for example, in case of a tourism project the launch of an activity could coincide with European Co-operation Day or a fire and rescue project could perform a demonstration as part of a European Co-operation Day fair or exhibition.
  • Join forces! It’s an excellent opportunity to work together with other projects/local initiatives for European Co-operation Day, and to share experiences and good practices. This could be done through projects located in the same area (common exhibition, competition etc), by theme (tourism/energy/environment projects etc), or by joining other local/regional initiatives relevant for your area that are addressing the general public.
  • Bring more creativity and added value within your project! Brainstorm ideas for local events within your organisations and link them to your existing communication obligations deriving from the planned project activities! 
  • It is also an excellent tool to be used for reporting purposes!

Your participation and involvement are clearly the keys to its success - become part of European Cooperation Day!

For more details on how to join this event series, please contact us!

Europe Day

Europe Day (9 May) celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historical Schuman declaration. At a speech in Paris in 1950, the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe’s nations unthinkable.

His vision was to create a European institution that would pool and manage coal and steel production. A treaty creating such a body was signed just under a year later. Schuman’s proposal is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union.

See what is happening this year on this day here and on Facebook.

Project events

Please check our EVENTS section available also in Hungarian and Romanian to find out more about the upcoming events organised by our projects.