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Six reserve list projects to be financed within the 5th Call

Six new projects worth 5,26 million € are to be implemented within the programme in a variety of themes.

The fifth and the last call for proposals was closed in 2012 with the selection of 53 projects, paving the way to the full allocation of funds.In response to the high number of good quality projects submitted for the HURO/1101 call, a reserve list was established by the Joint Steering Committee. Starting with 2013, as a result of savings from closed projects, the contracting procedure could be started in case of the first six reserve list projects in an overall amount of 5,26 million € ERDF.

The newly financed projects cover a variety of themes.

For instance, the SPEC RESC project brings together several local governments, volunteer rescuers and prevention forces from the Szatmár-Satu Mare area, who have decided to join forces in order to increase their intervention capacity and to enhance the cooperation and coordination of assistance during emergency response. The need is rooted in the fact that in recent years the number of incidents has increased on both sides of the border, mainly because of the growing industrial activities, traffic and the effects of climate change. The partners plan to build a new fire-station in Csenger, purchase new vehicles and life-saving equipment, and to establish common practices via joint exercises and trainings, involving both the partner institutions and other relevant organisations from the area. In addition, a joint “alert strategy” is to be set up to increase efficiency of interventions.

Meanwhile, the Bridges project set out the rehabilitation and restoration of several churches both in Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar counties, with a view to include them in national and transnational cultural and religious tourist circuits. The choice of the investment locations demonstrates a strong attention to the multicultural and multi-confessional character of the border area. Of the seven churches included in the rehabilitation programme, four are located in Oradea: namely the Orthodox Cathedral ’Church with the Moon’ and its branch “Buna Vestire”, the Roman-Catholic Church of the Oradea Fortress, and the New Town Reformed Church in Oradea; while the 3 churches are located in smaller settlements in Hungary: the Orthodox Church from Körösszegapáti, the Reformed Church of Hajdúböszörmény and the Roman-Catholic Church of Orosháza. In case of the last two establishments complex organ reconstruction works are planned.

Taking into account the joint need for increasing the number of tourism attractions and to ensure a better promotion of the joint tourism offer by exploiting the area’s rich cultural heritage, the local authorities from Timiş and Csongrád counties developed the LIVMUSECSOTM project. Building on the numerous traditions, customs and unique handicrafts of the area, an interactive “living museum” concept is to be realized by renovating 7 fishermen houses in Csongrád, respectively by setting up 4 traditional households in the Banat Village Museum from Timişoara reflecting the area-specific multicultural environment. Promotion of these attractions will be ensured by the multifunctional information and promotion centre to be opened within the Theresia Bastion Architectural Complex in Timişoara, including info kiosks and a joint IT platform used for promotional purposes.

The list of selected projects, available here, is being continuously updated with information on the newly contracted projects.

Photo credit: © HURO JTS