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Results of the Call for funding additional activities

28 projects financed within the fifth call for proposals (HURO 1101) will receive additional funding to enhance their results

According to the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee, as part of a restricted Call for funding additional activities, 4 million EUR Community funding has been recently allocated to projects already contracted within the HURO 1101 Call for proposals.This value consists of savings from the projects already finalised within the Programme until this moment.

The aim of this call was to offer eligible projects the possibility to carry out additional activities, looking to further enhance their objectives, and bring added value in relation to the outputs and results originally set out for these projects.

The Call for Funding Additional Activities was launched on 5 September 2014 with a submission deadline of 5 October 2014. According to the established eligibility conditions, 46 projects were considered eligible to apply. By the deadline, 30 applications were submitted. The total requested grant was 5.6 million EUR, out of which the ERDF amounted to 4.9 million EUR.

After the formal and technical evaluation carried out at the end of 2014, a number of 28 projects were selected for financing by the Joint Steering Committee, with a total ERDF financing of about 3.1 million EUR under Priority 1, and 0,9 million EUR under Priority 2.

Priority 1

Priority 2

As mentioned above, the activities supported in the framework of this Call cover a variety of interventions, enhancing the original objectives and results of the supported projects.

For example, within Priority 1, the Bicycle trace project aiming to construct a bicycle track from Turulung (Satu-Mare County) to Magosliget (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County), and to rehabilitate an info point lodge in Turulung, will now have the opportunity to complete the already built infrastructure by marking and linking nine additional tracks to the initial bicycle track.

Tourist signs, orientation and information plaques and rest benches, will be also placed out along these complementary tracks. Moreover, two high performance lawn mowers will be purchased, improving the maintenance of the track edges and of the asphalt layers; along with 20 bicycles which will further diversify the services of the info point from Turulung by enabling the creation of a bike rental service.

In the framework of the Priority 2, the DIMS project aims to reduce mortality rate among breast cancer patients coming from the border area (Hódmezővásárhely, Szentes and Arad subregions).

More specifically, the project intends to ensure better access to medical services for patients, improving chances for early detection and appropriate treatment. With the current additional funds, the project team will buy a new mammography unit for the already purchased screening bus; hence, making prevention easier even in rural areas and smaller towns. Translated into numbers, thanks to the new funding, more than 3500 women coming from 16 additional settlements will have better access to prevention and early diagnosis services.