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On behalf of the Managing Authority

Dear Readers,

Welcome you all to the second issue of our 2009 newsletter. Let me share some useful information with you on the recently closed calls for proposals and the application process in general.The past few months brought about a great progress in the Programme’s implementation. January and February saw the closing of the Programme’s first two calls.

We were happy to receive a large number of applications – almost 200 full applications for the first call and more than 150 concept notes for the second one!

The first part of the work that is the administrative and formal assessment, as well as the eligibility check of submitted applications is expected to be finished soon. Currently we are also making preparations for the technical evaluation. This work will be done by a team of qualified and well-experienced experts who will ensure the high quality and the independence of the evaluation process.

The Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat are making efforts to bring the first projects as soon as possible in front of the Joint Steering Committee in order to open the way for the implementation of the approved projects.

On behalf of the Managing Authority, I would like to wish all applicants good luck in winning support for the realization of their ideas.

Brigitta MIKULÁS
Head of the Managing Authority