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Newsletter Single gate to the results of territorial co-operation

Have you ever wished you could find comprehensible data about all ongoing or closed ETC, IPA or ENPI projects, by running a simple query, and all this for free?

Or that you could filter results by theme, organisations involved, geographical area or other keywords that would make your daily work much easier? Not to mention the Graphical Snapshot tool which allows you to seamlessly build your own chart on Territorial Cooperation, with aggregated data from KEEP.

Good news, this website is up and running:

What is KEEP all about?
KEEP aims to be of valuable service to the whole Territorial Co-operation community: it shows what the community produces and makes it easier to learn from each other and share our experiences.

KEEP is the only source of aggregated information about the projects and beneficiaries of EU programmes dedicated to cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation in Europe. The database developed by INTERACT covers both the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 periods. Regarding 2007-2013, KEEP includes data about all programmes – so more than 90 in total – and about 85% of the projects financed by these programmes. Data about thousands of organisations involved in over 8,000 co-operation projects is also searchable.

Plans for 2014-2020?
With the new period freshly kicking off, the KEEP database is under constant need to adapt and develop. So yes, priority is given to making its structure compatible and harmonised with the new legal expectations, on one side, and the new monitoring systems, on the other side. This means that in this new period an automatic update procedure based on a simple add-on will help each programme to continuously update its relevant data from its own monitoring system. This feature is already built in the electronic monitoring system developed by INTERACT (e-MS).

Source: and Interact Newsletter