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Introducing the JTS Békéscsaba and the Info Point Oradea

In this issue our colleagues from the JTS office in Békéscsaba and Oradea Info Point have briefly described their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the programme and the ways in which they can assist applicants through the entire project cycle.

“Being present in the programme area is an important condition of assisting and maintaining a close relationship with applicants”, said Hidvégi Csaba, who has been working in the programme area for over 10 years.

JTS Békéscsaba

The Joint Technical Secretariat opened its office in Békéscsaba on the 1st of May 2008 within VÁTI Kht. The main tasks of the office are connected with providing information for participants in the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.

Being present in the programme area is an important condition of assisting and maintaining a close relationship with applicants. This way applicants have the possibility to seek advice from the office regarding their project ideas, calls for proposals or the programme as a whole. Moreover, proximity is also a prerequisite for developing close contacts with institutions in the border area in a simple and effective way.

For assisting potential applicants, the local office organises a series of information events in the frame of the programme – such as information days for certain calls for proposals, workshops, or other events. In this, the local office is backed by the colleagues from the main office according to their capacities and the features of the event.

Based on demand, the Békéscsaba staff of the Joint Technical Secretariat willingly takes part in events organized by the applicants (partners or potential partners) or other relevant institutions. Such events are usually project meetings which include many institutions, trainings, events of running projects (conferences, professional events, workshops) where there is usually a requirement for information, lecture or other active contribution.

In case you have the intention to participate in the programme, or you need advice concerning your project ideas or plans, we strongly encourage you to contact the Békéscsaba Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat, where our colleagues will offer you assistance and advice in putting your ideas in practice.

Contact details:

HIDVÉGI Csaba                                                         KOVÁCS Gyula
Programme manager                                            Programme manager 
Tel: +36 66 520 252                                                 Tel: +36 66 520 257
E-mail:                                 E-mail:

Info Point - Oradea (IP)

The Info Point Oradea (IP) has been established within BRECO, the Oradea Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation on Romanian – Hungarian Border in 2008. The role of the Info Point, as stipulated in the Hungary – Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007 – 2013, is to support the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) located in Budapest in programme coordination and implementation activities.

The IP performs similar duties as the JTS Békéscsaba in order to ensure a balanced representation of the management structure and to ensure a comparable flow of information in the programme area.

The main tasks of the IP refer to information and publicity actions at regional and local level, the IP staff playing an active role in the information events planned by the JTS, such as information days, workshops, seminars, for lead applicants or partners. The staff of the IP is also assisting the applicants in project generation presenting and representing the programme in the eligible area.

The IP is an important link between the JTS and the regional and local level organizations and serves as a contact point for potential applicants and partners. Therefore, the IP staff answers invitations to participate at conferences or events, prepare and deliver presentations for the promotion of the programme.

The interest for the programme and the contact with the IP of applicants and partners is constantly increasing with each launch of a call for proposals. The IP staff is constantly available for consultations (in person, via phone or email) offering assistance and guidance for everyone interested in cross-border co-operation.

Contact details:
Gratiana CARP – Programme manager
Daliana VIGU – Programme manager
Tel: +40 259 473 174 • +40 359 436 529
Fax: +40 259 473 175