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Hungary-Romania border counties will receive almost 19 million Euros for joint projects

144 soft projects submitted within the fourth Call for Proposals are approved for funding in the framework of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme with the total amount of ERDF subsidy exceeding 18,9 million Euros.

The programme implemented within the 2007-2013 European Union financial framework has the main objective to promote good neighbour relations.

The 4th Call for Proposals within the framework of the Programme was launched on 10 December 2010 - with a three-month submission period - by the Hungarian National Development Agency in co-operation with the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. By the deadline a record-number of 342 applications were submitted requesting more than 59 million Euros, showing a growing interest for the Programme and an increase of 22% compared to the number of applications submitted for the previous call.

After quality assessment, the Joint Steering Committee decided to award a funding of almost 19 million Euros to 144 projects. Within the 4th Call for Proposals, the applicants had the possibility to submit projects with a maximum value of 1 million Euros ERDF.

Enclosing almost all of the programme’s sub-activities, 60 of the selected projects cover the first priority (Improvement of cross-border transport, communication and environmental protection), while 84 address the second priority (Co-operation in the fields of business, RTD, education, labour market, health care and risk management).

These projects will be implemented by 316 partners – local, regional or national authorities and other public institutions, non-profit organisations and educational institutions active in the area eligible for financing situated at the Hungarian-Romanian border (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Békés and Csongrád on the Hungarian side, respectively Satu Mare, Bihor, Arad and Timis on the Romanian side). The subsidy contracts are to be signed at the beginning of next year. The list of selected projects is available here.

The 5th Call for Proposals under the programme for large scale infrastructure projects with cross-border relevance was launched on 29 August 2011, having as submission deadline 31 January 2012. The community funding available in its frame totals 51,4 million Euros, increased with the relevant Hungarian and Romanian state co-financing (approx. 10-13%). The novelty of the call is that it enables the rehabilitation/reconstruction of historical monuments, buildings and sights having a positive effect on tourism and cultural development, and based on this - the development of tourist packages of cross-border importance - for example: religious, historic routes, or circuits concentrating around cultural heritage.

Once with the launch of the new call the HURO Programme has reached its peak, as concerning the newly approved projects the preparation of the contracting procedure is well underway, while the implementation, closing and monitoring activities of project from the previous calls are running in parallel, requiring the complete concentration of efforts and capacities.

So far the HURO programme has approved 406 co-operation projects, which were awarded approximately 150,7 million Euros in funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

For additional information on the programme, selected projects and financing opportunities, please visit the HURO website periodically.