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An impetus for the cross-border entrepreneurial mind-set

Competitive firms of all types and sizes are one of the main drivers of strong economic growth, and this is not different in case of the Hungarian – Romanian cross-border region. To flourish they require an environment that favours new ideas and new ventures.

The business environment from Békéscsaba and Oradea has undergone significant improvements over the last year, as the four project partners of the CBABS project have decided to share experiences and ideas about solutions in order to ensure a competitive business environment on local and regional level.

With the assistance of the HURO Programme, the partners improved the growth prospects of SMEs in a cross-border perspective, by building a Business Incubator and Training Centre for Young Graduates in Oradea, Romania, and a Business Center, in Békéscsaba, Hungary. Both facilities were equipped with modern furniture and IT equipment. The newly built infrastructure covers more than 870 square feet. Both buildings are opened and functional, therefore entrepreneurs of all types have now access to a better management curriculum, business support services and trainings free of charge. Consequently, the management potential of businesses operating in the area, particularly those operated by young adults with very limited knowledge about the do’s and don’ts of starting and running a business, could be significantly stimulated on the long run.

Another purpose of the project was to foster and reinforce cross-border business connections. To this end, partners organised several  business conferences and meetings for more than 350 participants who shared knowledge about the Hungarian-Romanian business environment connected to labour safety, labour market and other relevant issues. The Hungarian Partners also took part in three business exhibitions organised on the Romanian side of the border (Top Travel Expo Oradea, Top Expo Oradea, Gardenia Estival Mobilar Expo Arad), ensuring  the participation of 10 Hungarian entrepreneurs for each event.

“We are sure that all the investments and activities made through this project are a valuable contribution to the formation of good entrepreneurs in an improved cross – border environment” – concluded Martin Peter Micheller, the project manager.

Contributions: Martin Peter Micheller, project manager

Photo credits: © Project partners of CBABS

Project info
Project number: HURO/1101/034/2.1.1
Title: Cross-border Access for Business Support
Partners: “Don Orione” Beneficence - Charity Society (Lead Partner); The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County (Project Partner); Local Council of Small and Medium Size Enterprises from Oradea and Don Orione High School, Oradea (Associative Partners).
Total ERDF awarded: 584 317,64 €