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2014+: Thematic workshop for the preparation of the next Programme

As a major milestone of preparing the Common Territorial Strategy for the Hungary-Romania cross-border area, a thematic workshop with nearly 100 participants was delivered on 9 April in Békéscsaba, in the "Csaba Gyöngye" Cultural Centre.

Representatives of all 8 counties of the border area and professionals from all the relevant Ministries attended the one-day planning event. The event played a crucial role in defining the key elements of the common territorial strategy of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Area.

The context of the planning process, overview of the border area and the key planning principles were presented at the morning plenary session. Following lunch, participants worked together in four parallel thematic workshops, focusing on the following topics:

  • Workshop 1 - Improving the competitiveness of SMEs, strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Workshop 2 - Sustainable mobility, eliminating the bottlenecks in key network infrastructure
  • Workshop 3 - Environment, energy and adaptation to climate change
  • Workshop 4 - Employment, investing in education, skills and lifelong learning

In each workshop, professionals from the Romanian and Hungarian counties as well as relevant Ministries worked together using co-creation methods to identify a vision for the area and propose interventions.

The success, the results and the good atmosphere of the thematic event clearly demonstrate that the various stakeholders of the border area - Romanian and Hungarian, national and county level alike - can and intend to actively work together in order to come up with a genuinely joint and viable common strategy.

Pictures from the event are available in the Photo Gallery.