As we previously informed you the European Cooperation Day will be celebrated all over Europe and in neighbouring countries for the first time ever on 21 September 2012.
The aim of the campaign, which carries the slogan “Sharing borders, growing closer” is to celebrate the achievements of cooperation between European regions and countries. The HURO Programme invites you to join us in the celebration and get more familiar with the achievements of the HURO projects, implemented by partners coming from the bordering regions of Hungary and Romania.
Why celebrate?
Remember what life was like in Europe before countries started working together? If you do, you can surely see what amazing benefits cooperation has brought to the everyday life of citizens across Europe. Cooperation projects save time, money and even lives. Cooperation also builds a sense of community that translates to better working relations across borders and increases cultural understanding among European people and their neighbours.
A series of project events will happen within the HURO Programme as well under the European Cooperation Day action from 21 September onward, aiming at a broad audience including children and families. The schedule of the events containing the exact venues is to be uploaded soon. In the meantime, check out the wide range of exciting and active events prepared by our projects, opened to everyone:
All of these actions and projects take place thanks to the involvement of local and regional institutions, universities, institutes and many more!
Please note that the list is not finalized yet, while further projects are also invited to take part in this action.
For more information and a detailed list of local events and examples of cooperation projects, visit www.ecday.eu.