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Romania and Hungary: €189 million of EU funds for increased cross-border cooperation
15 December 2015

On 9 December the European Commission adopted a new Interreg programme between Romania and Hungary worth €231.8 million, with €189.1 million coming from the European Regional Development Fund.

The main objectives of this programme are to increase employment and cross-border labour mobility, enable joint economic growth and enhance cooperation in the prevention of natural risks. The programme also aims at regenerating deprived rural and urban areas and improving cross-border health care services.

The six priorities of the programme are:

Joint protection and efficient use of common resources
Improving the connectivity in the border region in a smart and sustainable way
Fostering employment and promoting cross-border labour mobility
Better health-care services
Enhance risk-prevention and management
Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

More information about the programme is available on the website of  the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in its quality of Managing Authority and BRECO, the institution hosting the new Joint Secretariat.