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Information related to the eligible expenditures under the HURO Programme in case of Romanian partners
05 February 2013

Dear partners,

The Project Implementation Handbook is the instrument governing the eligibility of expenditure in case of projects funded by the CBC HURO 2007-2013 Programme. In addition to the provisions of the Manual, partners have the obligation to respect the national legislation in force, the basic guiding principle being that of applying the strictest rules.

As you have been informed, the Project Implementation Manual has been updated recently, the new provisions entering into force on 16 January 2013. The amendments affect, among others, the procedures to be followed by partners in terms of modification and reporting procedures. In addition, new provisions have been introduced in terms of the eligibility of expenditure.

Please note that the legal document defining the eligibility rules for Romanian partners at national level (Ministerial Order no. 1168/2010) is currently under modification. Until the modification takes effect, the provisions of the Implementation Handbook must be interpreted side-by-side with the Ministerial Order in force. In the event of any inconsistencies between the Handbook and the Order, the provisions of the Ministerial Order prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

We will keep you up to date with of developments regarding the amendment of the Ministerial Order.