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Focus on project results: FEKETEKOMPLEX
23 January 2015

The HURO Programme 2007-2013 is launching a new series of articles, meant to introduce some of the most valuable results achieved by the projects implemented between 2009-2015. Capitalising on the financial assistance provided by the Programme since its launch back in 2008, the work of all institutions involved has already yielded remarkable results, and their impact will continue to unravel in the upcoming years.

We invite you to engage in getting to know some of the most memorable stories these cross-border interactions and collaborations have generated over the past years, setting the ground for the long-term harmonious development of the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area.

The first project in our series has contributed to improving the key conditions of the joint and sustainable development of the co-operation area in the field of water management:

Complex Flood Protection Development of the Black-Körös/Criş

Flood awareness and prevention is crucial for providing a better protection for residents and the environment, and reducing potential damages. The Black-Körös/Criş springs within the heart of the Bihor Mountain, feeding into the plains of Hungary. In the past, floods and the out-dated defense and prevention systems have provided unpleasant surprises along the river’s course, also affecting the Hungarian-Romanian border area. The partners of the FEKETEKOMPLEX (Complex Flood Protection Development of the Black-Körös/Criş) project have been working on improving the conditions for prevention – constructing and reconstructing dikes, gauge stations and guard houses, harmonised the flood prevention work, and increased the punctuality of the forecast.

Find out more about the project results here.

Would you like to see your project story published? We kindly invite you to send us a brief summary of your project (including its more memorable results and moments) together with some expressive photos, videos and other outputs to Anna Mária Bogdán (abogdan[at]