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Closed calls

HURO/1101 - 5th Call for Proposals - infrastructure projects

Date interval: 29 August 2011 - 31 January 2012

The National Development Agency from Hungary and the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism from Romania opened the fift call for proposals in the frame of the HURO Programme on 29 August 2011.

HURO/1101 - Corrigendum of the 5th Call for Proposals and Application Pack now published!

What is the subject of the Call?
The range of supported activities is quite wide. Potential applicants can apply for financing  in the following fields:

Priority 1: 1.1.1 Road development, 1.2.1 Development of CBC internet infrastructure, 1.3.1 Protection of nature and natural values – infrastructure, 1.3.2 Water management, 1.3.3 Reducing pollution - Waste management

Priority 2: 2.1.1 Development of business infrastructure, 2.1.3 Development of tourism, 2.2.1 Joint development of research infrastructure, 2.4.1 Development of infrastructure of common healthcare and risk prevention

Who can apply?
The spectrum of eligible applicants comprises: non-profit organisations (ranging from public institutions to local government institutions, chambers of commerce and industry and NGOs, etc.) who act in the purpose of public interest in the specific border area and wish to carry out a joint project with cross-border relevance together with one or more partners from the other side of the border.

What is the overall amount of funding?
In the frame of the present call 51 398 714,- EUR community funding is available (ERDF funds), amount which is increased with the relevant Hungarian and Romanian state co-financing.

How to apply?
Applications in English have to be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), to Budapest, Hungary.

The deadline for the submission of Applications is 31 January 2012. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.

For further details, please consult the Call for Proposals and its annexes, as well as the Applicants Handbook available for download below.

Modification of the AF

Please note, that the IV.1-2 - Activities sheet of the Application Form published within the HURO/1101 was modified as of 21 October 2011 in order to enable the selection of years 2014-2015 as start/end dates of certain sub-activities inserted. The final AF is available in the English version of the CfP package.

HURO/1101 - 1st Corrigendum

The English version of the HURO/1101 Call for Proposals and the Application Package was modified on 18 November 2011.

The updated documents, as well as the Corrigendum, are available for download below.

Applicants are kindly requested to take notice of these modifications and complete their applications accordingly.