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On the official launch of the Hungary-Romania CBC Programme in Timisoara, Romania
18 March 2008

The official launch of the Hungary-Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 took place on March 18th 2008, in Timisoara, Romania, where high-ranking officials and as well as almost 200 guests and media representatives were present.

The aim of the event was to initiate the implementation of the programme, as well as to shortly describe its objectives and strategies with special focus on economic and social challenges of previous Hungarian-Romanian cross border co-operation experiences. In addition, more specific aspects, related to the two priority axes, specific key areas of intervention, financial opportunities and instruments were further introduced. Among others, Mr. Bajnai Gordon, minister of Local Government and Regional Development, the minister of Development, Public Works and Housing, Mr. László Borbély and Mr. Colin Wolfe, head of the Territorial Co- operation Unit of the Regional Policy Directorate-General of the European Commission, attended the event.