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Almost 200 applications received within the 1st call for proposals! (HURO/0801)
31 March 2009

The 1st call for proposals within the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013, launched by the National Development Agency from Hungary and the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing from Romania was closed on 30 January 2009. More than 16 Meur ERDF funds were opened within the frame of the call to support best-quality projects that bear a real cross-border character.

The call for proposals was opened within the framework of the one step periodical model, for full applications.

Altogether 196 applications were received until the deadline and submitted for submission criteria check, procedure which is still undergoing. The amount of financing requests submitted is almost double the amount of available ERDF resources (31, 5 470 277 Meur). The estimated minimum and maximum subsidy rate per project is between 10 000– 1 500 000 euro. Financing decisions are taken by the Joint Steering Committee of the programme after formal and content evaluation of project proposals. Applicants will be notified on the final outcome of their application by the end of June.

The most popular action within this call proved to be 2.5.1. - “Cooperation between communities” attracting the biggest number of project applications, followed by 2.2.2. –„Delivery of joint research projects” and 2.1.3. – „Development of tourism”.

Projects could be submitted by non-profit organizations governed by public or private law in one of the actions aiming at the sustainable development of key conditions in the joint cooperation area (transport, communication, nature protection), as well as to strengthen the social and economic cohesion of the border area (business cooperation, research development, education, healthcare, cooperation between communities). According to data available, social institutions (NGO-s) have been the most active applicants (28%), nevertheless local authorities (24%), as well as higher education institutions (20%) have submitted a large number of applications as well.

The application procedure is concluded with the signature of the Subsidy Contract with the Lead Partner of each selected project. Following this period, beneficiaries will have to comply with their obligations in terms of information&publicity, reporting and certification of expenditures and payments. Project beneficiaries will be assisted in this respect by a series of events and trainings, such as Lead Partner Seminars or Project Partner Seminars.