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The programme website is here
15 October 2008

We are pleased to announce that the programme’s website, is finally active! This temporary version contains all the information related to the first Call for proposals, such as the Application Package, FAQ, as well as a regularly updated news section.

Public consultations regarding the First Call for proposals ended
08 October 2008

 The public consultations concerning the content of the First Call for Proposals for soft projects was opened for public consultations between 1-8 October 2008.

First meeting of the Joint Steering Committee
15 September 2008

The first meeting of the Joint Steering Committe (JSC) was held on 15 September 2008.

Successful Workshops on joint technical cooperation!
28 July 2008

A series of four technical workshops were held between 28-31 July 2008 by the JTS, in Sânnicolau Mare (Romania), Gyula (Hungary), Marghita (Romania) and Nyírbátor (Hungary). Altogether approximately 300 participants attended these information seminars.

Communication Plan, Annual Report
19 June 2008

The Programme’s Communication Plan was adopted by the European Union on June 19th 2008.

On the official launch of the Hungary-Romania CBC Programme in Timisoara, Romania
18 March 2008

The official launch of the Hungary-Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 took place on March 18th 2008, in Timisoara, Romania, where high-ranking officials and as well as almost 200 guests and media representatives were present.

The Rules for Procedure of the Monitoring and Steering Committees were adopted
03 March 2008

3-4 March 2008 – First Joint Monitoring Committee meeting held, followed by the adoption of the Rules of Procedure for both the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committees.