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Cross-border cooperation in the Hungarian-Romanian border area will continue in the funding period 2014-2020. 

Policy background

The cohesion policy of the European Union provides a framework for financing a wide range of projects and investments with the aim of encouraging economic growth in EU Member States and their regions. The policy is reviewed by the EU institutions once every seven years. The next round of programmes is to cover the period 2014 - 2020.

On 17 December 2013, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the new legislative package governing Cohesion Policy investments for 2014-2020 . According to the current set-up, European Territorial Cooperation has even been reinforced as separate cohesion goal by dedicating a legislative act (Regulation no. 1299/2013) to the specific provisions for this field. The existing strands of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation have been maintained, thus the future of the HURO Programme is ensured.

Programming process and documents

On 4 October 2011 a high level technical meeting was held on future strategic planning where the two Member States, Hungary and Romania, agreed upon setting up a Joint Working Group (JWG) with the aim to elaborate the new programme 2014-2020. The JWG is the main body making decisions about the future programme and comprises national and county level stakeholders, along with advisors from the EC and the two national authorities.

The JWG has gathered on 7 occasions until now.

The first milestone of the strategic planning process was already reached, which has been the preparation and adoption of the Strategic Territorial Analysis. The document contains a comparative analysis of the border area.

As a next step, following decision of the JWG on the thematic objectives to be selected for the future programme, the consultants shall prepare the Common Territorial Strategy containing the main development directions to be followed.

The next programme is to be prepared consecutively, in line with the Common Territorial Strategy. The programme shall be subject to an ex ante evaluation and strategic environmental assessment (SEA). An ex ante evaluation is required for each programme in order to improve the quality of its design, while the SEA is needed in order to analyse the environmental impacts of the programme and includes both consultations with the relevant authorities and with the general public.

In addition, a sub-group was established having as members the presidents of the 8 county councils from the eligible area, to provide a common ground for the identification and development of proposals for strategic projects.

SEA Consultation

The Scope and Syllabus for starting the SEA was presented and approved during the last JWG meeting. The official consultation of the document with the competent authorities was initiated on 19 March 2014.

This page will keep you informed about all developments and decisions related to the future programme. Please visit this section regularly!

Useful documents

Planning documents

Strategic Territorial Analysis

Scoping Report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment


Common provisions regulation (CPR)

ERDF Regulation

European Territorial Cooperation Regulation

Full legislative package governing Cohesion Policy investments for 2014-2020