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Statistical data

Currently the Hungary-Romania Programme has launched 5 Calls for Proposals. With each Call number of applications submitted to the Programme was increased. In the frame of the first three Calls 264 projects were approved with the total committed funds of 132 million Euro.

Within the fourth Call for Proposal a number of 144 project were recently approved, requesting almost 19 million Euro. The contracting procedure is well underway, more than 60% of contracts were already prepared by the JTS and are being sent to beneficiaries.

The fifth Call for Proposals was launched on 29 August 2011, having as deadline of submission 31 January 2012. In total 201 project were submitted, their evaluation has been started in February 2012. Decision on the selection of projects for financing will be taken by the Programme’s Joint Steering Committee this summer.

Last update: 23 March 2012