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Complex flood protection development of Black-Körös
Call: HURO/0802
Priority: Priority 1
Action: 1.3.2. Water management
Registration No. HURO/0802/123_AF
Total Project budget: 1 778 831,00 €
Total ERDF awarded: 1 512 006,35 €
Project start date: 01 March 2011
Project end date: 30 June 2013
Project status: Finalized

Flood awareness and prevention is crucial for providing a better protection for residents and the environment, and reducing potential damages. The partners of the FEKETEKOMPLEX (Complex Flood Protection Development of the Black-Körös/Criş) took several concrete steps towards improving flood safety in the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border region by strengthening the conditions for prevention - constructing and reconstructing dikes, gauge stations, and guard houses; harmonising the flood prevention work; and increasing the punctuality of the forecast.

After having rebuilt the outdated dike-keeper plants of Remete and Zerind, the conditions of performing the dike-reeve duties, as well as the operation of the Zerindu Mic and Kisdelta detention reservoirs, have significantly improved. The reconstruction of the design gauges from Remete and Zerind, as well as of the tele-communication gauge stations was essential for ensuring optimal water management and conservation.

Main results:

  • number of joint water management actions (4 pc)
  • size of territory with improved flood protection (69,200 ha)
  • created and reconstructed revetment (846 m)
  • reconstructed design gauges (2 pc)
  • reconstructed tele-communication gauge stations (3 pc)
  • rebuilt dike-keeper plants (2 pc)
  • multilingual publication titled the “The world of the Körös/Criş rivers” (1000 pc)


ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner

Körös-vidéki Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Igazgatóság
Hungary, Békés, 5700 Gyula, Városház u. 26.

870 911,70 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1

Administraţia Naţională Apele Române Direcţia Apelor Crişuri
Romania, Bihor, Oradea, Str. Ion Bogdan nr. 35.

641 094,65 €

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