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Road construction between Dénesmajor and Zerind
Acronym: Gyula-Zerind
Call: HURO/0802
Priority: Priority 1
Action: 1.1.1 Road development (transport)
Registration No. HURO/0802/005_AF
Total Project budget: 3 006 155,00 €
Total ERDF awarded: 2 555 231,75 €
Project start date: 01 June 2011
Project end date: 31 December 2012
Project status: Finalized

The aim of the project is to build a 1000 m long road section from Dénesmajor to country border and 7650 m long road section from country border to Zerind. The main objectives of the project: improvement of traffic infrastructure of the border area and rebuilding the public road connection between Gyula and Zerind. Target groups of the project: direct beneficiaries, inhabitants of Gyula, Feketegyarmat and Zerind - 32521 persons in total; indirect beneficiaries, inhabitants of Tőzmiske, Bélzerénd, Tamáshida, Ant, Keményfok, Simonyifalva and Vadász - 6976 in total, tourists, etc. The public road will cross the border, creating infrastructural connection between settlements in Hungary and in Romania, helping these localities to create a natural, social and economic unity.


ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner

Gyula Város Önkormányzata
Hungary, Békés, 5700 Gyula, Petőfi tér 3.

462 862,40 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1

Comuna Zerind
Romania, Arad, 317420 Zerind, Zerind, No. 1.

2 092 369,35 €