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Building cross-border connecting road between Körösnagyharsány -Bord (42156 nr.)- Körösszeg (Cheresig)
Acronym: Körösnagyhar.- Körösszeg/ Körösnagyh-Cheresig
Call: HURO/0802
Priority: Priority 1
Action: 1.1.1 Road development (transport)
Registration No. HURO/0802/004_AF
Total Project budget: 2 425 531,29 €
Total ERDF awarded: 2 061 701,60 €
Project start date: 01 September 2010
Project end date: 30 April 2013
Project status: Finalized

The general objective of the project is to facilitate the development of partnership between communities located in the border area. The specific objective is to increase the quality of life and environment by rehabilitating the existing connecting road between Körösnagyharsány-Körösszeg. The direct beneficiaries of the project are the inhabitants of these localities (1700 inhabitants). Indirect beneficiaries are the people who are living in the cross-border region, but also all tourists that are commuting in this region. The project results is the 4,8 km of connection road.


ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner

Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Hungary, Budapest, 1134 Budapest, Váci út 45.

1 557 780,80 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1

Primăria Comunei Toboliu
Romania, Bihor, Str. Principala, 149, Com. Toboliu, Bihor

503 920,80 €