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Competence development and fostering integration in kindergarten
Acronym: OVI
Call: HURO/0901
Priority: Priority 2
Action: 2.3.1. Cooperation in the labour market and education – joint development of skills and knowledge
Registration No. HURO/0901/216/2.3.1
Total Project budget: 131 796,66 €
Total ERDF awarded: 112 027,16 €
Project start date: 01 January 2011
Project end date: 31 December 2011
Project status: Finalized

Life-long-learning abilities and capacities are started to develop already in the age of kindergarten. Introducing competence based education is a requirement on EU-level. In Hungary, the competence based education and integration (integration of children with special education needs) in kindergartens is introduced gradually, while in Romania the system still needs to be implemented.

Based on the experiences gained so far in Hungary, the project aims to assist the Romanian partner in adopting this new methodology. Kindergartens involved in the project can serve as reference institutions for the future providing example and advice for further institutions.

The activities include joint training sessions, workshops, visits and meeting at kindergartens all leading to the establishment of a strong co-operation network between kindergartens from Hungary and Romania. Project target group consists of 200 persons: teachers and staff from kindergartens.


ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Őnkormányzat Megyei Pedagógiai, Közművelődési és Képzési Intézete
Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, 4431 Nyíregyháza, Tölgyes u. 68.

75 303,86 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1

Centrul Judetean de Resurse si Asistenta Educationala Satu Mare
Romania, Satu Mare, Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Nr. 6., Satu Mare

36 723,30 €

ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 2

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