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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Organisation name and type:
"Ioan Slavici" Foundation - University, Educational Institution

Project name:
Cross-border collaborations for infrastructure and research development in renewable energy resources field according to the sustainable development.

Lead Partner:
University of Szeged

Priority axis:
Strengthen social and economic cohesion of the border area

Key area of intervention:
Support for cross-border business cooperation

The main objective of the project is to improve socio-economic conditions and cross-border business development through the creation, development and exploitation of joint research infrastructure and borders in the renewable energy resources.

Partners needed:
Educational institutions, NGO, Research institutions

Estimated budget:
700 000 euro

Estimated duration:
24 months

Company details

Slavici Titus
Phone: 0040 745 521 710
Fax: 0040 256 213 108