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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Organisation name and type:
Centrul Medical Mariam,

Project name:
Infiintare centru SPA pentru varstnici - SPA Kozpont kialakitasa idosek szamara

Lead Partner:
SC Centrul medicam Mariam S.R.L.

Priority axis:
Strengthen social and economic cohesion of the border area

Key area of intervention:
Health care and prevention of common threat

edificarea si dotarea unei constructii in care sa se asigure servicii medicale si de agrement pentru varstnici in Romania
asigurarea accesului varstnicilor din Romania si Ungaria in cadrul unui program de turism medical

egeszsegugyi turizmus program kereteben romaniai es magyarorszagi idosek szamara orvosi ellatast illetve udulési lehetosegeket biztosito kozpont letrehozasa es felszerelese

Project results:
realizarea coeziunii sociale in cadrul acestei categorii de varsta, asigurarea de servicii medicale in principal

a tarsadalmi kohezio erositese az idosek koreben, elsosorban egeszsegugyi szolgaltatasok biztositasa

Partners needed:
societati care au obiect de activitate medical, in special fizioterapie
alti parteneri

egeszsegugyi szervezeteket keresunk, fokent fizioterapia teruleten
mas partnerek

Estimated duration:
6 months

Company details

Sas Mirela
Phone: 0744490102
Fax: 0256/369279