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Objectives and priorities

The general objective of the programme is to bring the different actors – people, economic actors and communities – closer to each other, in order to better exploit opportunities offered by the joint development of the border area. Moreover, the programme is aimed at improving the competitiveness and attractiveness of the border area, through various interventions contributing to the integrated development of the cooperating NUTS III level areas.

The programme offers a wide range of opportunities for  organisations through two priority axis and large  number of key areas of interventions:

Priority 1: Improve the key conditions of joint, sustainable development of the cooperation area (Improvement of cross-border transport, communication and environmental protection)

Funds allocated to this Priority axis will be used to improve the key conditions of joint development in the co-operation area. This includes the development of the transport and communication infrastructure as well as public transport facilities of the area, which are instrumental to facilitating cross-border passenger and freight transport and proper flow of information. Besides these, the Priority axis also includes interventions aimed at prevention and protection of the relative pure natural environment, as the elemental condition of any kind of human operation.

Key area of intervention 1.1: Improvement of cross-border transport facilities

1.1.1 Road development: construction, rehabilitation of roads, bicycle paths, etc.
1.1.2 Railway development: modernization of stations, harmonization of timetables, etc.
1.1.3 Preparation of studies and plans

Key area of intervention 1.2: Improvement of cross-border communication

1.2.1 Development of cross-border broadband internet infrastructure: distribution points and networks, user accessibility
1.2.2 Community access programmes: development of IT knowledge, development of public services
1.2.3 Cross-border newscast: CBC publications, TV and radio programmes, training
1.2.4 Preparation of studies

Key area of intervention 1.3: Protection of the environment

1.3.1 Protection of nature and natural values: harmonization of regulations, environmental friendly land exploitation, etc.
1.3.2 Water management: rehabilitation of river basins, wetland fields, etc.
1.3.3 Reducing pollution – waste management: rehabilitation of sites, selective waste collection, exchange of good practices, etc.
1.3.4 Preparation of studies and plans

Priority 2: Strengthen social and economic cohesion of the border area (Cooperation in the fields of business, RTD, education, labour market, health care and risk management)

The overall aim of the Priority axis is to enhance the economic competitiveness of the area by development of the business environment, and improvement of the human resources.

Key area of intervention 2.1: Support for cross-border business cooperation

2.1.1 Development of business infrastructure: modernization of facilities, elaboration of studies, plans, etc.
2.1.2 Cooperation between businesses: business events, CB networks and partnerships, etc.
2.1.3 Development of tourism: tourism attractions and infrastructure, etc

Key area of intervention 2.2: Promotion of co-operation in the field of R+D and innovation

2.2.1 Joint research infrastructure development: development of R&D and innovation infrastructure serving CBC, etc.
2.2.2 Cooperation between sectors involved in R&D: exchange and training programmes, partnerships, etc.
2.2.3. Realization of joint research projects
2.2.4 Elaboration of studies, plans

Key area of intervention 2.3: Cooperation in the labor market and education – joint development of skills and knowledge

2.3.1 Cooperation between educational institutions: development of training and educational facilities, for knowledge transfer, etc.
2.3.2 Cooperation on the labour market: distance learning, training courses, co-operation of employment services, etc.

Key area of intervention 2.4: Health care and prevention of common threat

2.4.1 Development of infrastructure for common health and risk prevention: cooperation between health-care service providers, joint mechanisms for intervention, purchase of equipments, etc.
2.4.2 Joint institution building, coordination and training: cross-border ambulance centers, joint trainings, etc.

Key area of intervention 2.5: Cooperation between communities

People to people actions: joint cultural and sport events, institution building, co-operation networks, co-operation between educational institutions, etc.

Programme area>>