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Submission of Project Progress Reports
28 June 2010

As those of you who attended the Lead Partner seminars in the last week of May, have already been informed, the Front Office of the IMIS system is already in use, passwords and usernames have been already provided. That means that in case you have validated your partner level costs at the first level control bodies, you can start to elaborate your project progress reports.

There are some cases, when the projects have already passed their first deadline for submitting the progress report. In these cases, the Joint Technical Secretariat is asking the Lead Partners to make their best efforts in order to submit their first report, for their first reporting period, as soon as possible, but not later than 15th of July 2010.

We draw your attention that, due to technical reasons, the submission of the second report is conditioned by the submission and approval of the first one. Therefore, the sooner you submit the first one, the sooner you will be able to submit the second one.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the security of the IMIS system, a procedure was developed regarding de use of the system. The safe and secure operation of this system is essential to the proper and effective programme implementation. To this end, detailed rules on the use of the system by the users on behalf of the Lead Partners have been elaborated, which you can find here. We kindly recommend that the user of the system at your organisation studies these rules carefully in order to become familiar with the conditions of use. Please note, that logging into the system for the next time with the user name assigned to your organisation automatically means the acceptance of these rules. This document will be send to you later on, also by post.

When reporting please keep in mind that the following documents shall be sent to the JTS in original according to the provisions from the Project Implementation Handbook (chapter 2.5 – Reporting and reimbursement process of community funds):

  • Project Progress Report signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Partner;
  • Application for Reimbursement, signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Partner;
  • Declaration(s) on validation of expenditures (this latter in as many copies as the number of partners who are reporting expenditures in the given reporting period).

Remember that the officially signed original documents have to be received by the JTS within 15 days after the electronic submission.