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Focus on project results: ACTIF
27 April 2015

The third project in our series has made a meaningful contribution to strengthening the social and economic cohesion of the border area in the field of  health-care:

Birth rates are drastically dropping throughout Europe, resulting in an aging population. The HU-RO region is no exception to this phenomenon, which is further aggravated by the increasing number of couples struggling with infertility.

The ACTIF project aimed to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of infertility by facilitating cross-border exchange of professional know-how between Csongrád and Timiş counties, and by investing in modern medical diagnostic and surgical equipment allowing for more accessible and minimally invasive interventions. Surgical demonstrations had been organised in Timișoara and Szeged, restoring hope for almost 30 women involved in the joint surgical interventions to become mothers.

Mariana, one of the women who underwent this procedure successfully, had almost lost hope when she heard that the maternity ward of the Municipal Emergency Hospital in Timişoara in co-operation with specialist from the University of Szeged, is running a pilot project which enables women struggling infertility to receive the necessary treatment free of charge. She gave birth to a healthy baby on 26 December 2013, on the second day of Christmas.

'It was a great joy to welcome this healthy baby boy, our very touching first success. This is one of the many project results, but it goes without saying that it is something extraordinary we will always remember" said dr. Olimpia Oprea, one of the most dedicated project managers we have ever met.

Main results: 96 doctors participating in the 4 joint workshops, 27 patients treated for infertility

Would you like to see your project story published? We kindly invite you to send us a brief summary of your project (including its more memorable results and moments) together with some expressive photos, videos and other outputs to Anna Mária Bogdán (abogdan[at]