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Management structure

The Hungary – Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 is governed by the joint management structure presented bellow, ensuring a transparent and shared decision-making process:

The JMC is the main decision making body in the programme. The overall tasks of the JMC are to ensure the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of the programme, with special regard to the principle of transparency, equal opportunities and sound financial management. The composition of the JMC was developed in order to ensure a balanced national representation, counting among its members, the representatives of the national, regional and county level actors as well as those of the civil society.

The JSC, acting as a JMC subcommittee, is responsible with selecting operations within the programme, and especially with deciding on Call for Proposal, project evaluation and selection. The JSC was established in order to ensure the balanced representation of those institutions that are mostly aware of the eligible programme area’s needs and potentials.
The JMC and JSC can be contacted through the JTS.

The MA shall be responsible for the management and implementation of the programme in accordance with the sound financial management although will not be responsible for the regularity of operations and their expenditures.

The designated Managing Authority is the National Development Agency of Hungary.

The CA is responsible, among others, for drawing up and submitting to the Commission certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment and for receiving payments from the Commission. Besides, it is its responsibility to keep accounting records of amounts recoverable and of amounts withdrawn following cancellation of an operation or ERDF contribution.
The designated Certifying Authority is the Ministry of Finance of Hungary.

The AA is an independent body from the programme management structure, being responsible in particular for ensuring that audits are carried out, to verify the effective functioning of the management and control system. In delivering its obligations the AA will be assisted by the Group of Auditors (GoA) appointed by the national authorities responsible for audit in Hungary and Romania.

The designated Audit Authority of the programme is the Government Audit Office of Hungary.

The NAs are independent from the joint management structure fulfilling the obligations assigned to them through the community regulations. They are responsible for implementing the programme exclusively on national level according to the community legislation as well as to sign the Memorandum of Understanding which regulates the responsibilities of the two countries.

Hungarian NA: National Development Agency

Romanian NA: Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism

The JTS is established in order to contribute to the daily implementation of the programme, as well as, to assist the MA in its coordination and implementation activities. Further on, shall support the work of the programme’s management bodies (JMC, JSC, CA and AA), fulfil general programme coordination tasks and programme-implementation related activities.

Info Point is functioning in the frame of the BRECO Regional Office in Oradea, in order to support the JTS in the fulfilment of its activities. The role of the IP is to contribute to the efficient project generation and development as well as to serve as an informational point for the potential applicants covering the whole eligible programme area will represent the programme on local and regional level, and will provide specific information on the request of the JTS.

Control Bodies’ main responsibilities include the verification for validation of the expenditures at partner level in the respective national territory and other tasks which are related to their control activities.