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Applicant Any legal entity which submits an application to be financed by the programme;
Associated partner An organization involved in the project at different stages that may contribute to the professional implementation of the planned project activities without receiving any ERDF or state co-financing in return. The Associated partner will not be involved in contractual relationship with Managing or National Authorities and will not be fully involved in the implementation of the activities of the project nor financially;
Beneficiary Any applicant whose application has been approved for financing;
Contract for state co-financing Contract between the project partners and National Authorities related to the rights and obligations referred to the national co-financing;
Cross-border partner Compulsory project partner from the other side of the border where the Lead Partner is situated;
Domestic partner Project partner located in the same country as the Lead partner;
Eligible area/region The Hungarian and Romanian counties located in the border area, as mentioned in the programming document approved by the European Commission;
Eligible expenditure Expenditures made by a Beneficiary, related to the operations financed through the programme, which comply with the rules set and spent accordingly and thus can be reimbursed from ERDF and state co-financing;
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) One of the financing instruments of the European Union, through which the present programme is financed. Beneficiaries will get support for their projects besides the state co-financing from ERDF;
Lead Partner/ Lead Beneficiary An applicant designated by the partners involved in a project responsible for coordinating the process of development, submission and implementation of that specific project;
National Legislation The legislation of the state on whose territory the beneficiary is located;
Own contribution Amount with which all beneficiaries have to contribute to the total eligible amount of their own project budget.
Partnership Agreement Agreement signed by all project partners which states the rights and obligations of the partners related to the activities to be implemented within the project, the designation of the Lead Partner, and other issues to be settled in order the project to be implemented properly;
Potential applicant Any legal entity meeting the eligible criteria for submitting an application to be financed by the programme;
Potential beneficiary Any applicant or potential applicant is a potential beneficiary until the decision for financing its project has been issued;
Priority Axis A strategic priority within the operational programme, including a group of interconnected key areas of intervention and actions with measurable specific objectives;
Project The activity for which funding is being sought under the Programme, expressed as the application form and its annexes;
Project Partner An organization involved in the project preparation and implementation, which receives ERDF and state support in order to realize the proposed activities. Project partners are involved in a contractual relationship with National Authorities for the state co-financing, and will conclude a partnership Agreement with the Lead Partner for governing the rights and responsibilities brought by the implementation of their common project;
State co-financing Amount made available from the central budgets of the two Member States participating in the programme and will be automatically accorded to beneficiaries to a certain extent complementing the available ERDF Funds;
Subsidy Contract Contract concluded between the MA/JTS and the Lead partner containing the rights and obligations of the two parties related to the ERDF funds awarded for project implementation;