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7 December 2015 - HURO Programme Closing Conference

7 December 2015 - HURO Programme Closing Conference The results of the HURO Programme were summed up early this week in Gyula, Hungary, during the Closing Conference of the Programme.

We would like to take this opportunity again to thank all of our partners for being part in this exciting journey through territorial development in the cross-border region.

11th JWG meeting - Arad, 21-22 April 2015

9th JWG meeting - Oradea, 15-16 September 2014

8th JWG meeting - Oradea, 16-17 April 2014

1st JWG sub-committee meeting - Oradea, 26 February 2014

7th JWG meeting - Debrecen, 23 January 2014

6th JWG meeting - Arad, 12 December 2014

HURO/1101 Consultations

HURO/1101 Consultations The JTS and the Info Point of the HURO Programme in cooperation with the Hungarian and Romanian First Level Control first organised a series of project consultations with the beneficiaries of the HURO/1101 Call for Proposals on 28-29 April on both sides of the border.

2014+ - Thematic workshop

2014+ - Thematic workshop 9 April 2013

HURO FEST - Annual Event 2011

HURO FEST - Annual Event 2011 Over 700 people from Hungary and Romania attended the Hungary-Romania Programme’s annual event “Co-operation Conference and HURO-FEST” that was organized on 21 September 2011 in Debrecen, Hungary.

For a taste of what happened in Debrecen, watch the event highlights.

Pictures from the event are available on the following link:

8 December 2010 - HURO/0801/153 - Closing conference

8 December 2010 - HURO/0801/153 - Closing conference The closing conference of the "Mobile laboratory of legal medicine for emergency situations in the cross-border regions" project took place on 8 December 2010. On behalf of the programme Mrs. Bottoni-László Réka, programme manager, participated at the event.

The ceremony of signing the first contracts

The ceremony of signing the first contracts The National Development Agency signed the first subsidy contracts within the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme on 30 october 2009.

Within the first call the Joint Steering Commitee awareded financing for 90 projects which are to be implemented jointly by at least one Hungarian and one Romanian partner. The remaining subsidy contracts will be signed soon.

Joint Technical Workshops 28-31 July 2008

Joint Technical Workshops 28-31 July 2008 A series of four technical workshops were held between 28-31 July 2008 by the JTS, in Sânnicolau Mare, Gyula, Marghita and Nyírbátor.

The aim of the event was to provide general and practical information about the forthcoming calls for proposals. Moreover it served as a platform for promoting existing project ideas and finding partners to implement them with.

Info-days november 2008

Info-days november 2008 The first round of information days, connected to the first call for proposals launched in the frame of the Programme took place between November 4-5, respectively 10-11 2008, in each of the 8 counties of the programme area.

Info-days 12-13 january 2009

Info-days 12-13 january 2009 Joint Technical Secretariat and Info-Point Oradea organised a second round of Information Days having as main topic the 2nd call for proposals.

Locations: Debrecen, Satu Mare, Szeged, Arad