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The programme is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), completed by the state co-financing of the two Member States taking part in the programme, i.e. Hungary and Romania.

For Hungarian partners, the grant size will be maximum 95% of the total eligible costs and 98% in case of Romanian applicants totalling both the ERDF and state co-financing. Hungarian applicants are requested to bring a minimum of own contribution of 5% and Romanian applicants to bring an own contribution of minimum 2% from the total eligible costs of the project.

The overall allocation of the programme, planned to be distributed in the frame of open call for proposals through the programme implementation period is approximately 248 million EUR, allocated between the two priorities of the programme, as shown below:

Priority 1.
Priority 2.
114 482 217
96 524 222
National public funding* (EUR)
*(the amount is incorporating the state co-financing and the applicant’s own public contribution that shall be assigned to the total community
contribution (ERDF))
20 202 744
17 033 686

 Total (EUR)

134 684 961


113 557 908


Application models>>