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Opening event in Carei of the project "Co-operation of Nyírbátor and Carei for joint development of cross-border tourist destination" 10 October 2013

Project title: "Co-operation of Nyirbator and Carei for joint development of cross-border tourist destination" HURO 1101-124-2.1.3 CB DESTINATION

Event type: opening event

Date and location: 10. 10. 2013, 10.00 Castle Karolyi, Carei

Partners: Nyírbátor Város Önkormányzata U A T (primaria) Municipiului Carei Nyírbátori Görögkatolikus Egyházközség Nyírbátori Lovas Sport és Hagyományörző Egyesület Asociatia EQUUS Carei


Opening event: - presentation of the project by the Romanian partner - presentation of the project by the Hungarian Partner.