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Kick off event of the project - Joint Action for Safeguarding Protected Areas in the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Area – PROSAFE 31 May 2012

Project title:


The National Environmental Guard, Regional Commissariat Cluj (Romania), as Lead Partner, in partnership with Trans-Tisza Region Environmental, Nature Protection and Water Inspectorate (Hungary), orgnize the kick off event of the project  - Joint Action for Safeguarding Protected Areas in the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Area – PROSAFE (HURO/1001/060/1.3.1.) on 31 May 2012 in Debrecen (Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary) starting from 10:00 a.m.

The project proposes the exchanges of experience in the field of control and inspection related to protected areas in the two countries.

A number of 2 joint inspections will be organized in each country, in protected areas from the border region, in order to exchange experiences between the staff of responsible institutions. Each series of inspections shall begin and conclude with joint analysis meetings. Staff from each side of the border will present to the collegues from the other side the methodology and forms used for performing inspections and reporting. All participants will be encouraged to make proposals regarding improvements of these documents and templates. The fulfillment of obligations by the responsible institutions in each country will be analyzed during inspections. Consequently, a Best practice guide will be prepared.