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Event details

Info-days 18 January 2011

We are pleased to announce that the Information Days will be held in the following cities of the eligible Programme area on 18 January 2011, starting at 10:30 o'clock, local time:

Hungary - Nyíregyháza – for Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties

Báthory Várkastély
Nyírbátor, Vár utca 1.

(presentations will be held in Hungarian)

Romania – Oradea - for Bihor and Satu Mare counties

Hotel Elite Oradea
Oradea, str. I.C. Brătianu nr. 26

(presentations will be held in Romanian)

Hungary – Békéscsaba - for  Békés and Csongrád counties

5600 Békéscsaba, Derkovits sor 2.

(presentations will be held in Hungarian)

Romania - Timişoara – for Timiş and Arad  counties

Hotel Continental
Timişoara, B-dul Revoluţiei 1989, nr. 5

(presentations will be held in Romanian)

Invitation/Agenda HU

Invitation/Agenda RO

Important notice:  registration for attending Information Days in advance is not required.