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Event details

Cross-border access for business support opening conference 25 October 2012

Project title:


The "Don Orione" Beneficence - Charity Society\'s leadership, as leader partner and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County’s leadership as project partner of the HURO/1101/034 "Cross-border access main business support" project are organize an opening conference on the occasion of the project opening. The project objective is to develop the Romania - Hungary border regions on both sides of the border as well as to develop the economic and business situation of the enterprises on both sides of the border. The date of the conference: 25 October 2012 to Thursday 15 to 00 hours The location of the conference: Hotel Fiume (Bekescsaba, Szent István tér, No. 2) Participation is free, but registration is required. Your feedback to the e-mail are welcome.