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Event details

Clean Rivers Action (HURO/0802/035_AF) Opening- and Press Conference at Debrecen (HU) 30 June 2011

Project title:

Invitation for the Opening Ceremony and Press Conference of the Clean Rivers Cross-border Project Ecocaritas Association, Zona Metropoliatana Association Oradea and Transsylvanian Carpathian Association Bihor would like to invite you for the Opening and Press Conference of the cross-border project entitled "Clean Rivers Operation – Joint Action for the Elimination of Illegal Waste Deposits of 5 Cross-Border Rivers of Hungary and Romania (HURO/0802/035_AF)". The Opening and Press Confeence will be held at the Environronmental Authority of Tiszántúl (Tiszántúli Környezetvédelmi Természetvédelmi és Vízügyi Felügyelőség) on 30.06.2011 at 10am, Hungarian time. Planned program begins with the opening and speech of MR. Béla Kelemen, and the presidents of the project partners. The conference will countinue with an open press conference and distribution of a press release. The language of the conference will be Hungarian, with possible English and Hungarian translation. For further information please find the attached invitations in Hu and Ro languages or call: Kristóf Boda (Hu, En) at 00367077080870.