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Closed calls

HURO/0802_CN - Corrigenda

The HURO/0802 call for proposals launched on 3 december 2008 has been modified as follows:

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HURO/0802_CN - Second Call for Proposals -infrastructure projects - first step

The first step of the 2nd call in the framework of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme is open from 3 December, closing on 16 February 2009.

Over €100 million (ERDF funds) has been made available for this call, for both priority axes. This amount will be completed by the state co-financing of Hungary and Romania.

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HURO/0801 - Corrigenda

The Applicant’s Handbook and the Call for Proposals were completed and modified. The updated versions of the documents as well as the Corrigendum in English, Hungarian and Romanian languages can be accessed below, in the Download section of the page.

Based on your remarks and questions, we updated the list of Frequently Asked Questions list in Hungarian and Romanian. The updated versions are also available below:

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HURO/0801 - First call (soft projects - one step)

The National Development Agency from Hungary and the Ministry for Development, Public Works and Housing from Romania, as the Managing and National Authorities open the first call for proposals in the frame of the Hungary-Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007 – 2013.

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