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Partner Search Forum - Presentations now available!
25 November 2008

The first Partner Search Forum within the framework of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme took place on 25 November in Oradea, Romania. The specific aim of the event was to facilitate matching between institutions and organisations from both sides of the Programme area, as well as to conduct discussions on the margin of their development perspectives.

The concrete steps of building up a solid partnership were presented by two Lead Partners who implemented successful projects under INTERREG IIIB. Their presentations are for now available in Hungarian, their translation is still in progress and will be soon available on our website.

All in all, the event can be considered a success story: besides the experiences and project ideas shared among participants, several partnerships were formed between those present.

The Hungarian versions of the presentations are available below:

Tapasztalatok Heritour és Mister projekt (PP- PDF)

Telmi Projekt (PP- PDF)

EGTC létrehozása (PP-PDF)

Vezető Partner Elv (PP-PDF)