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Application models

One-step procedure

In case of this application model calls for proposals are launched and open for a given period. Applicants are invited to submit their detailed Application Form (AF) with all listed annexes and supporting documents attached. Full applications are evaluated against the selection criteria published with the specific Call for Proposals and presented to the Joint Steering Committee to take its decision about the co-financing. Rejected applications can be submitted only in the framework of a new Call for Proposals.

Two step procedure

The two-step application procedure is applied in case of large-scale investment projects, where the administrative and financial efforts needed for developing a project are much higher. It consists of two separate steps.
By introducing a first phase, a simpler one, the procedure creates the conditions for wider participation, thus more project ideas can be gathered and analyzed.
This application procedure consists of two consecutive, but separate phases:
- submission of Concept Notes;
- submission of full applications ;
First phase – submission of Concept Notes
In this phase, applicants are asked to describe the concept of their project idea in the given format (Concept Note form – “CN”) and to submit it until the deadline presented in the Call for proposals. The project concepts received are evaluated and compared to each other to find those that fit the most into the strategy of the programme and the specific action in question. The short-listed project holders are asked to prepare the detailed project with the Application Form and its supporting documents in the second phase.
Second phase – submission of Full Applications
Following the receipt of the Notification on approval, applicants will have to develop the approved project idea into full applications until the date specified in the notification letter. Approval in this case only means the request to submit the full application!
In this case the call shall be open only for the selected Concept Notes!
The deadline for submission in case of one-step approach, as well as in case of the first step of the two-step approach will be given in each Call for proposals, similarly to other coordinates, like the address for sending the applications, as well as other submission criteria. In case of the second step of the two-step procedure this will be specified in the notification sent to the short-listed CN applicants.

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